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Torat Emet welcomes special guest Ari Bar Shain, Rav James Williams, Josh Morris, Josh Hyman, and Ranan Waxman to Columbus as representatives of the Mizrachi - Orthodox Israel Coalition of the World Zionist Congress. They will be speaking at Torat Emet and Beth Jacob this Shabbat in support Slate #5 the OIC slate in the crucial World Zionist Congress elections that are taking place now through May 4. Please see the Flyer below and be advised that the order of speakers has been reversed.
Ari Bar Shain will address Torat Emet at the conclusion of Musaf on Shabbat morning and the other speakers will join us for the pre-Mincha shiur at 6:45pm and at Seudah Shlisheet.
Rav James Williams is a passionate Jewish educator and leader, currently serving as the Camp Director of Moshava Ba’ir Cleveland and Director of Operations for Bnei Akiva of the U.S. & Canada. Born and raised in Birmingham, UK, his journey in Jewish education began as a Chanich, Madrich, and Rosh Snif in Bnei Akiva UK, later joining its Mazkirut and overseeing British Hachshara for World Bnei Akiva after making Aliyah. Rav Williams studied Jewish History and Informal Education at Jews’ College London, continued his Torah studies at Yeshivat HaKotel in Jerusalem where he later earned Smicha. Committed to fostering Jewish identity and leadership, he strives to connect individuals to their heritage while cultivating future Jewish role models.
Ari Bar-Shain (Captain Res.) is an officer in reserve duty and the Director of the Lone Soldier Program at Tzalash. He has spent 200+ days in the army since the start of the war, leading his platoon of 35 soldiers. Ari grew up in Cleveland and upon graduating high school learned at Yeshivat Har Etzion for nearly a decade. He lives in Yerushalayim and is married to Noa - they have two daughters, Talya and Maayan.
Josh Morris is a squad commander in the IDF reserves and a student in Yeshivat Otniel (Shiur Hey). Originally from Riverdale, NY, and Teaneck, NJ, Josh attended SAR High School before spending a year and a half at Yeshivat Hakotel. He was then drafted as a lone soldier into the Combat Engineering Corps. When he isn’t in yeshiva or on reserve duty, Josh lives in Ra’anana with his family, who made Aliyah just a year and a half ago, following in his footsteps.
Josh Hyman, a former machine gunner in the IDF Paratroopers Brigade and recipient of the Most Outstanding Soldier award, grew up in New Rochelle, NY. At the start of the war, he was running an operation to finance and semi-legally ship Grade 3 tactical gear to Israel. Currently completing a business degree at FDU online, Josh is also a madrich at YTVA and studying at Shapell’s Yeshiva. Upon graduation in May, he hopes to work in Israel’s non-profit or public policy sectors.
Ranan Waxman is currently in his 4th year at Yeshivat Hakotel. Ranan grew up in Queens New York and graduated from SAR high school in 2021. He was drafted in March 2023 and served in the Nachal Infantry Brigade in the IDF for nearly 2 years and spent most of his time fighting in Gaza.
Beginning today through May 4, Jews around the world will be voting in the World Zionist Congress Elections. The results of the elections will determine how and to whom monies will be spent and distributed by the Jewish Agency in Israel. I urge you to vote for the Orthodox Israel Coalition Mizrahi (OIC) - Slate 5. This is the coalition of Religious Nationalist (Dati Leumi) organizations that best represent our Zionist ideals. I am a member of this year’s slate, and if enough votes are cast for OIC, I will have the opportunity to represent Torat Emet and American Orthodoxy in the next Zionist Congress! In order to vote you will need to go to the website below and register to receive a voter PIN #. There is a $5 charge to register.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Rabbi Howard Zack
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Weekday Schedule (3/24-3/27 & 3/30)
7:00 AM Monday-Thursday; 8:00 AM Sunday
7:30 PM Monday-Thursday; 7:35 PM Sunday
Friday 3/28
7:00 AM Shacharit
7:30 PM Mincha/Maariv
7:34 PM Kabbalat Shabbat/Candle Lighting
Saturday 3/29
9:00 AM Shacharit
6:45 PM Pre-Mincha Shiur
7:15 PM Mincha
8:34 PM Shabbat Ends
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Phone: 614-238-6778
E-mail: office@toratemet.org
2375 East Main Street
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